Food is always viewed as an indispensable household necessity.\nBased on the 2009 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES), 42.6%\nof the total expenditure of a typical Filipino household is solely being\nallocated for food (Limtingco, 2012). As the growing demand for food\ncontinues to escalate, fast food providers had proliferated both in the metro\nand rural provinces to help augment the need. In effect, the demand for\nhuman workforce for these companies had also escalated. However, at\npresent, no available literature had yet explicated on the current\npsychological condition of the working personnel of these companies. Thus,\nthis research is an exploratory attempt meant to delve on the various\ntypologies and severity of stressors currently experienced by the food\nservice personnel in the Philippines. Furthermore, this study statistically\naccounted for the coping mechanisms used by the fast food service\npersonnel in treating their work related problems.